Welcome 2 my site :3
My forms:
- Glacy The Glaceon[X]
- Crystal The Espeon[]
- Lilly The Eevee[]
- More??? Im just a glaceon Rihgt now tho.
this Is my place 2 post whatevar stuff i want on the internet. U may kno me from ForestofPeace on xat. OR az SkylarXoX on TRANSFORMICE. Or deviantart even tho I dontrly draw anymoar. xD THX so much 4 looking at my web site PLZ DON'T CURSE ON MY PAGE. OMG RED LOOK OUT o.O

Click 4 More stuff about me!
Dont stalk me.i have a gun.i can get it out if i want.now scram,.rats. :333 jk,i not make you scram :333
Stuffz from my dA and YT!
Hometown: Snowpoint City
Interests: Music,art,speedpaints,books,drawing,animating,and more.
Favourite movie: ALPHA AND OMEGA <3 + Pokemon!!!!!!!!!!
School: Snowpoint City ice pokemon school
Favourite band or musician: Paramore
Favourite genre of music: Pop,and love.
Favourite artist: Avril lavigne
Favourite poet or writer: Erin hunter
Favourite style of art: CHIBI!!!
MP3 player of choice: RCA;IPOD.
Wallpaper of choice: COnversess
Personal Quote: "If You Cant Get Someone Out Of Your Head,Maybe They're Supposed To Be There."
click 4 my drawings!

My Fursona, Rose

cute gifs :3

Omg plz don;t look too much its rly bad ^^; srry
MY BFFS!!!!!!!!!
Coda WolfSong the Shiny Angel-Bug Eevee
Boom the EPIC lucario AKA Chase the Eevee
Tell me if u want me to add u to mai page :3 thx

Stuffz i did
4/1/24: april's coolz! MY BDAY'S THIS MONTH :3
3/25/24: finished the sitemap
3/20/24: changed web hosts from neocities to nekoweb, incurring lots of small changes around the site
3/19/24: transformed pokemon hub
10/8/23: updated fennekin and flareon collections
10/5/23: added a styleswitcher
10/4/23: totally new index page! animal's den 2.0 🐾
9/24/23: updated about... mind the gap!
5/17/23: uploaded some digimon scans and an AMV
5/2/23: added an undertale hub (finally)
4/29/23: added a digimon hub and a few pages to it
3/23/23: made a sitemap, including future site plans
3/9/23: more journal, made site wider, misc edits
3/2/23: made a journal to bitch in
2/18/23: added flareon's collection page
2/17/23: fixed iframes some more, added status to the homepage, and started on the cassettes collection!
2/15/23: figured out iframes (thank god), added an "about" page, and a small update to my fennekin collection
2/13/23: added pokemon + fennekin collection pages!
2/12/23: main site layout established now for the content!
stuffz 2 do
general site maintenance: resizing images, slight ease of access adjustments
write up a page on dungeon meshi (i put this here before it got an anime and i still havent TwT)
talk about and continue work on dandelion hill
finish digimon "where to start" guide
make some fun quizzes!
'priority' key: high, medium, low
(don't expect this to *actually* update daily...)

page resource credits

i try to source whatever i can, and i'll try my best to keep this updated.